“Welcome To The Weight Watchers Personal Points Program.”
“Welcome to the Weight Watchers Personal Points program,” is what they excitedly yelled at me last Thursday at my local Weight Watchers meeting. Now just called “WW.”
I’m gonna be honest, I had not been to a Weight Watchers meeting in over a year. I felt ashamed but somehow also rejuvenated. No, it’s not January, and I have not made a New Year resolution to lose weight. Instead, I’ve been feeling like I’ve gained a few pounds and that it’s time for me to get back on track! Do you ever feel that way?
Like I said, at first I felt scared to walk in. That’s truly the hard part…making the decision to go and walking in the door. Because the moment I was inside, all apprehension was gone. The staff was super welcoming. Heck! They are all Weight Watchers people. They get it.
They know exactly how I feel and they are there to help. All they did was ask me if I knew about the Weight Watchers Personal Points Program. I said no and they asked me to stay after so a very nice lady could bring me up to speed.
Pretty incredible – and so nice :) What took me so long to go back?
Doing Weight Watchers Since the 1960’s
The first thing that happens is I sit down next to a super friendly woman who tells me she’s been on Weight Watchers since the 1960’s. I’ll admit I was shocked because I didn’t realize Weight Watchers had been around that long. She assured me it was, and said she joined after each of her children were born. She stayed on it until she got back to her desired weight, then quit.
Apparently, that method has really worked for her.
She said she has joined Weight Watchers – every year just before summer – since the 1960’s. She said it works every time. Once she gets to her “summer weight” she goes off the program until March of the following year.
I thought that was an amazingly creative way to do Weight Watchers so I wanted to share it with you here so you would know you have options.
We then discussed the latest Personal Points Program. She explained that Weight Watchers now asks you questions, when you join, in order to personalize a meal plan just for you. It’s based mainly on the type of foods YOU like to eat. She further explained your daily allotment of points is based not only on the foods you love, but also things like: how much water you drink, how many fruits and veggies you eat, how many hours of sleep you get, your activity level, etc.
Hence the name, “Personal Points” Program.
She was super knowledgeable, which makes sense as she’s been a member for 60+ years!! :)
My new friend said she’s also loving the Weight Watchers Personal Points Program and knew I would too. She was right! I really do like it.
Weight Watchers Now Has an App Academy
Another new thing with the Personal Points Program is the fabulous Weight Watchers app. Well, that’s not really new because I used it before, but it’s extremely updated and they now offer an App Academy when you join. It shows you how to properly use the App and I have to say, it’s quite fun.
What a great idea!!
I’m terrible with technology so this was crazy helpful for me. I took the App Academy class (free when you join Weight Watchers) and now I scan every single food I see at the super market. The App tells me how many points it has per serving. If it’s too many, I just don’t buy it. It is a fun and very helpful feature.
Zero Points Food List
I try to buy a lot of foods on the Zero Points Food List as well as a few things that are low in points per serving. That way I really stay full and it’s much easier for me to lose weight.
If you are new to Weight Watchers, of if you are unaware of the Zero Points Food List, you absolutely need to see this list. The Zero Points Food List is an amazing feature within the Weight Watchers points system. It’s a game changer if you have weight you want to lose and keep off. I recommend you look it over and memorize it if you can!!
Speaking of Zero Points, if you have not tried my Zero Point Cheesecake Recipe, you are really missing out.
Or, I have a 1 point Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe for all you pumpkin lovers out there.
Make A Commitment To Yourself
Once the meeting began, we discussed making a commitment to ourselves to make the best of the Weight Watchers Personal Points Program. It makes sense, but sometimes putting ourselves first, and feeling like we deserve to feel better, is just not what comes easy to us. I guess that’s one of the reasons re-joining, and going back to the meetings, was so hard for me.
I did hear everything the speaker said and it was inspirational. I made a commitment to put myself first, track all my food and do better.
A Few Tips From The Experts
Now you are going to start thinking I am making this up but I swear I am not. Once the woman spoke, who had been on Weight Watchers since the 1960’s, another woman stood up and said she’d joined in the 1950’s. UNBELIEVBLE. So much WW wisdom all in one room.
People began to share all their favorite tips and tricks, which all work perfectly on the Personal Points Program, so I’ll share them here:
- Track your food. If you don’t you will forget something you had and it makes it far too easy to go beyond your points.
- If you order a meal that has many ingredients, don’t ruin your lunch by trying to track it all. Instead, take a photo of your food and add the items into your tracker later that day – when you have more time. (I like that one).
- When you grocery shop, go to different stores to keep things interesting
- Use the Weight Watchers App to scan every food before you buy it. Only buy it if you are okay with the points per serving.
- Know exactly what you are going to order BEFORE you go to a restaurant. Never leave it up to chance. Check out the menu online, check points in the Weight Watches App and be prepared before leaving your home
- If you are going to a mom and pop restaurant, whose menu items are not in the Weight Watchers App, you can still count points. For instance, if you order pancakes with strawberries, type that into the WW app and use the points from a similar menu item from say, Ihop or Cheesecake Factory.
- When dining at Cheesecake Factory, only order off the Skinnylicious menu
- Track everything you eat. I know I said that one already but it is so important I thought I’d say it again.
- Don’t deny yourself. If you want a donut, eat one. Just track it and eat a bunch of zero point foods your next meal.
- Pop yourself some Weight Watchers popcorn and take that to the movies instead of eating movie theater popcorn. WW popcorn is much better for you and WAY less calories.
- When you attend a family party or holiday party, etc., offer to bring a tray of foods you can eat. That way you won’t get caught off guard with high calorie/point foods.
- If you are in a restaurant, ask for a to-go box with your food. Before you begin eating, place 1/2 your food (or 2/3rd’s if eating at Cheesecake Factory) into the box to ensure you stay within your points.
All in all, the advice these real life “in the trenches” weight watchers had to share was invaluable. So much so, that I wanted to share it with you.
If You Slip Off The Horse, Get Right Back On
One final thought. Everything with Weight Watchers is flexible. The entire concept is built around you being able to eat what you love and still lose weight. I guarantee you that everyone in that meeting, and everyone on Weight Watchers, has slipped up.
We’ve all blown our points, failed to exercise and even gone up a few pounds when we hit the weekly scale. So what? We all know the old adage that tells us to get right back up on the horse when we fall. Well, that could not be more true with Weight Watchers.
Tomorrow is a new day. The important thing is to cut yourself a break. Get right back on plan and I promise you will be glad you did. :)
Be sure to join my Facebook group, because those are my people so they will be the first to know! Don’t forget the Facebook page too!
While you are here if check out some of my favorite Weight Watchers recipes!
Taco Casserole (1 point)
Instant Pot Lo Mein (6 points)
2 Ingredient Dough Guide – Learn to make donuts, bagels, pizza, and more with just 2 ingredients!
2 Ingredient ZERO point pancakes
How do you feel about Weight Watchers new program?
Come find me and JOIN my Weight Watchers Air Fryer & Instant Pot Facebook Recipe Group. We all know how hard it is to do it alone. We are a community of people who post recipes, share tips and ideas and inspire one another every day! We can’t wait to meet you!!
Check the bottom of this page to Download my FREE WW Cookbook & Tips Guide. You will LOVE it!!
This is my ZERO Point food list. Book mark the page and refer back often. Loading your fridge and pantry with these ZERO point foods is tip #1 for weight loss success.
Meal plans help me stay on track. Here are some of my favorites!
Weight Watchers Meal Plan Week 4 + FREE Download and Shopping List!
Instant Pot Printable Meal Plan
Freestyle One Week Meal Plan
Free Printable Meal Plan
You simply MUST try my ZERO points Cheesecake Recipe
Have you made up a batch of my 2 Ingredients Dough yet? It’s AMAZING stuff!! Use it to make low point bread bowls, pretzels, bread sticks, bagels, pizza crust, cinnamon rolls & more. Check out the Recipe Guide & Individual Recipes below:
To entice you, watch this Video for the 2 Ingredients Bagel Recipe – you will LOVE it – total YUM!!
2 Ingredient Dough Recipes
Ultimate 2 Ingredient Dough Guide
2 Ingredient Dough Pizza
2 Ingredient Dough Pot Pie
2 Ingredient Dough Pop Tarts
2 Ingredient Dough Cinnamon Rolls
2 Ingredient Dough Bread Bowls
2 Ingredient Dough Empanadas
Make sure you check out and grab our printable shopping lists below to make it easy when you are in store to grab the best WW FreeStyle friendly foods and snacks!
Costco Shopping List
Weight Watchers Walmart Shopping List
Weight Watchers Target Shopping List
Weight Watchers Aldi Shopping List
Weight Watchers Trader Joe’s Shopping List
Ever panic and wonder what to eat at your favorite restaurants? Well, I do too! That’s why I created and LOVE my restaurant guides. Check them out here and be sure to email me and let me know any others you’d like to see:
Subway Weight Watchers
Cracker Barrel Weight Watchers
Chic Fil A Weight Watchers
Chipotle Weight Watchers
Olive Garden Weight Watchers
Red Robin Weight Watchers
Taco Bell Weight Watchers
P.F. Chang’s
Texas Roadhouse
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