There’s nothing that I love more than watching Halloween movies with my kids. Of course, I’m not talking about the super scary Halloween movies list. I’m talking about family friendly Halloween movies that you can enjoy with your kids and a bowl of popcorn and some ice cream.
I know a lot of you will prefer the Freddie Krueger kind of Halloween movie, but I sware I can’t sleep for weeks after I watch a movie like that. So, if family friendly Halloween movies (you can watch with kids) is more your speed, I think you will really enjoy my list for you.
I try to watch at least a few of these movies every Halloween, but the truth is, I enjoy them throughout the year as well.
If you are looking for Halloween snack ideas to make for your movie night, be sure to check out my Spider Cookie Recipe, Bloody Band-aid cookies Recipe and my delicious and easy Halloween Bark
You can also look here for more great movie night snack ideas!!
Watch with your family, friends and loved ones and please enjoy!
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