Let’s be real here. I love Netflix as much as the next person, but it’s time to turn off the TV!
This list could also be called 101 things to do with your kids, or friends, or just out in the real world – it’s all about getting up away from the tube.
Turn Off The TV And Do These 100 Things Instead
1. Read my best blog posts: Rants, Recipes, Reviews.
2. Visit the library.
3. Make your own hula hoop, and use it.
4. Turn off the TV and start a journal to give to your kids (even if you don’t have any yet).
5. Listen to a book on CD.
6. Meditate.
7. Go bowling.
8. Paint something.
9. Test drive your dream car.
10. Make some jewelry.
11. Make a diaper cake.
12. Play a board game.
13. Go on a date.
14. Browse Etsy.
15. Do some yoga.
16. Learn how to juggle.
17. Organize your receipts.
18. Make paper dolls.
19. Learn how to take a good photograph.
20. Cook something healthy.
21. Paint your nails.
22. Train for a 5K.
23. Wash your car.
24. Write a love note.
25. Alphabetize your spices.
26. Work out.
27. Make holiday cards.
28. Find a new blog to read.
29. Bendaroos. (Hours of fun!)
30. Make a beauty mask.
31. Give yourself a french manicure.
32. Shampoo the carpets.
33. Make your own cheese.
34. Learn how to blog.
35. Have a picnic.
36. Browse Amazon.
37. Start a work-from-home business.
38. Learn to crochet.
39. Ride a bike.
40. Volunteer.
41. Re-do your grocery budget.
42. Cook something unhealthy, like Oreo Pancakes.
43. Clean out your junk drawer.
44. Learn how to write calligraphy.
45. Go camping in your back yard.
46. Go for a walk.
47. Visit a museum.
48. Get a pedicure.
49. Create your own trail mix.
50. Learn to knit.
51. Plant a tree.
52. Turn rocks into paper weights.
53. Take a relaxing bath.
54. Make up a silly story. Type it up, print it out, and make it into a book as a keepsake.
55. Roller skate.
56. Clean or organize the mess under your sink.
57. Go for a hike and collect leaves, then do leaf rubbings.
58. Do a puzzle.
59. Make s’mores.
60. Take a nap.
61. Go fishing.
62. Donate stuff to Goodwill.
63. Create origami animals.
64. Take a cooking class.
65. Make a comic book.
66. Hit the thrift store and find some books to read.
67. Go geocaching.
68. Go to the park with your kids.
69. Paint your toenails 10 different colors.
70. Make a dreamcatcher.
71. Clean out your pantry.
72. Go see a play.
73. Go stargazing.
74. Make a menu plan for the week.
75. Plant some seeds.
76. Clean out your closet.
77. Let your kids give you a makeover.
78. Read a book that you’ve never read before.
79. Set goals for the next 90 days.
80. Join swap-bot and swap something.
81. Learn to play an instrument.
82. Scrapbook or organize family photos.
83. Build a fort in the living room.
84. Visit your local zoo.
85. Go bird watching. Make a list of the birds you find.
86. Visit historical sites.
87. Play dodgeball.
88. Write a poem.
89. Bake cupcakes!
90. Carve a stamp.
91. Rearrange and redecorate your bedroom.
92. Play hide-and-seek.
93. Walk the dog. Or the cat, but that may not go over so well.
94. Fly a kite.
95. Call a family member (texting doesn’t count).
96. Make your own Lego Crayons!
97. Play tennis.
98. Write a letter (snail mail).
99. Get lost on Pinterest.
100. Leave a comment on this post with your own ideas!
So whether you stay home and create your own comics, or go out for an adventure in stargazing, turning the TV off is the first step. Don’t worry, the latest episode on Netflix will still be available when you get back.
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