If you’re new to the company, you might be interested in resources for your LuLaRoe business. I’ve gathered some of my favorites and am sharing them. Please feel free to pin this post.
UPDATE: Why I stopped selling LuLaRoe and what happened when I left the cult
Resources for Your LuLaRoe Business
I love helping other women make money from home. One of the most successful ways that have popped up lately (no pun intended ;) ) is by joining LuLaRoe. LLR isn’t a direct sales business, it’s a wholesale business with a direct sales feel. When you buy into LLR, you’re going to be out anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000. It’s a huge investment, but you know that already if you’re here!
Whether you’re ready to take the leap and join LuLaRoe, or you’re already LLR’ing and want to make more money, I hope this post helps you. If you are waiting to onboard or if you’re already selling, I’m sure you’ve got the best label printer out there, you’ve set your Facebook group up, you’ve told all of your friends, and now you’re ready to starting seeing the money!
If you’re interested in selling LuLaRoe, join our group!
Business Cards + Promo Materials
Be sure to include a business card, brochure, and/or other promo materials (like the cute size card below) in every order you ship out! This is just one more opportunity to complete the full-circle branding that will get you repeat customers. Not only that, but your customer might pass your brochure on to her friend or family member, creating another sale (and customer!) for you.
Ordering from you should be an experience. Women love to open packages, especially when they’re wrapped nicely (think tissue paper, ribbon). Take this extra step to go above and beyond and you’ll be in business for a long time.
Click the image to go directly to the designer’s shop for more info.
Caught “Roe-ing” in the Wild. Super cute! Hand these out if you “catch” someone wearing LLR in public. Chances are, they would love to connect with a local rep. Be sure to let them know you do not want to step on toes or steal them from their current gal! You’re just letting them know you’re local and giving them a coupon. :)
I don’t know about you, but I love brochures. Sure, they’re not as compact as business cards are but they’re basically a mini-magazine. Brochures are the perfect way to advertise at doctor’s offices (leave one in the magazine you were reading), coffee shop (put one on your table when you leave), and more.
One of the best ways to advertise your business is by having everything branded! I’m talking t-shirts, coffee cups, the whole 9 yards. Always be prepared to snag that new customer while you’re standing in the line at the grocery store.
I love the size cards because it makes ordering super simple. The easier you can make it to order from you, the more likely you are to catch that customer that’s still on the fence about buying.
I love scratchers (who doesn’t?)! $10 for 250 of them!
Everyone loves a surprise. Get repeat customers every time.
Be sure to get one of these for your car, too!
Facebook Party Images
Right-click, open image in new tab, save.
NOTE: Usually I would diligently track down the original owner of each of these images, but each time I tried, nobody knew where they came from. IF you created one of these images and want credit, just send me a quick email at slapdashmom@gmail or use my contact form. Thank you!
Other LuLaRoe Resources
Tons of LuLaRoom ideas from LLR consultants.
How to Have a Successful LuLaRoe Launch
Ways to Grow Your LuLaRoe Business
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