Just a few years ago, multitasking and being able to get everything done were considered necessary skills for any successful student. However, today many of us realize how harmful such a hectic lifestyle is to our physical and mental state. Thus, we are looking for ways to slow down and enjoy the moment in order to get rid of tension and switch to a positive mood.
So, what hobbies will help you forget about stress and finally ground yourself?
Physical Exercise
Let us begin by taking care of our bodies, and by this, we don’t mean torturing ourselves in the gym. If you set a goal of becoming extra fit or losing weight in a specific time, this won’t give you a chance to unwind. Vice versa – you will find yourself more anxious. Therefore, start with yoga or stretching. Listen to your body, breath, and make pauses when necessary.
Physical activity will increase serotonin levels, and the absence of exhausting expectations will allow you to avoid disappointment.
Walking Alone
Is walking a hobby? Yes, as the latter is an activity that makes our life full. Moreover, walking can be easily combined with anything you need to do, whether you are to make a speech about yourself or listen to a podcast for school. Do you think wandering around alone is weird? Not at all if you enjoy the weather, music, and city noise.
According to Eastern philosophy, contemplation is the key to peace. Walking is purely a meditative activity. By the way, according to Stanford scientists, 81% of the respondents who took part in an experiment admitted that they were filled with fresh thoughts after walking.
While strolling around, the brain easily establishes new neural connections. Who knows, maybe it is on a walk that you will come up with a solution to an important problem or a creative idea?
Limited lunchtime at school, fast food, eternal haste… We are used to eating on the go, without interrupting our studies and work. However, imagine how great it would be to set the table and sit down for a meal with the whole family or friends. Try to cook Italian dishes or desserts, and then enjoy the dolce far niente attitude.
Of course, we don’t call for spending hours in the kitchen, giving up necessary business. But try to say „no” to carbohydrates on the run and set the table for yourself, cherishing the meal.
Each of us is a unique individual. Fortunately, this approach is now reflected in a large number of areas, be it special education or individual courses, activities, etc. We strive to live at our own speed, and a good way to start doing this is to breathe at a comfortable pace. That is why we have included pranayama in this list of hobbies.
Pranayama is taking control of your body with the help of breathing. If you learn how to breathe properly, you can easily calm down and avoid panic attacks and depressive states. A complete cycle consists of four stages: puraka (inhalation), kumbhaka (breath-holding), recaka (exhalation), and sunyaka (retention after exhalation). There are plenty of pranayamas that vary in complexity, so experiment and find the one that suits you best.
Meditative Dance
When thinking of meditation, we often imagine a yogi sitting in the lotus position. However, it’s possible to meditate in a different way.
Unfinished business, a continuous stream of informational noise, and multitasking make it truly hard for us to start thinking at once. However, it would be cool to stop the brain from analyzing data by putting one single button. And meditation is something extremely close to it.
Dance doesn’t necessarily mean memorized choreography and a specific sequence of steps. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and see how your body feels right now. Don’t rush. Give yourself time. The body is always talking to us, so feel freedom inside every cell of your body.
Art Therapy
Drawing, dancing, pottery, and other forms of art are used to reveal our mental problems: art therapy helps to cope with strong emotions. There are no medicines or injections. All this is replaced by paper and pencils or paints, which have a strong healing effect.
Art therapy can be called a kind of link between the consciousness and subconscious mind. It is the so-called bridge between the mind and soul. Thanks to art, you can experience many feelings on a symbolic level: from love, joy, and delight to passion, anger, and fear. This is how you direct everything hidden into a physical word.
When we sculpt figurines, compose poems, and write stories, we learn to see situations from the position of an observer. This helps you to distance yourself when needed and receive valuable insights about your path.
To Wrap It Up
Our everyday life is mostly about endless tasks. As a result, we are faced with nervous breakdowns, fatigue, and apathy. But to make it through streams of deadlines, we need to have proper relaxation every day. And hobbies mentioned above will distract you from negative thoughts and problems.
When choosing an activity, keep in mind that the anti-stress effect will be achieved only if the hobby brings you pleasure. If during yoga classes you feel bored and look forward to the end of the class, don’t torture yourself. There will be no benefit from such time.
Switch on to something else: be it keeping a personal diary, starting a blog, or maybe signing up for a sewing or pottery course. This way, you will find something which brings you absolute peace.
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