Plenty of people nowadays are touting vaping as a healthy alternative to smoking. While your mate at the pub might be pretty convinced, you’ll likely have also read all kinds of scary articles about things like popcorn lung and burning batteries.
There are a lot of advantages, and a couple of minor drawbacks, that might influence how you think about the issue. We decided it was time to compile some of the most relevant facts in a single easily accessible location, so that you can make your mind up based on an informed decision.
It’s cheaper
If you’re a smoker, you’ll have noticed the steady increase in cigarette prices over the past decade or two. With a pack of cigarettes costing north of £10, you can easily end up spending several thousand a year on your habit.
If you’re not yet prepared to give up on nicotine totally, then vapes can at least provide a substantially cheaper alternative.
With disposable devices from suppliers such as Wholesale Disposable Vapes allowing retailers to sell devices for under £5 a pop, and refillable devices offering even higher value for money, it’s definitely worth considering given the cost of living crisis.
It’s healthier
Now a lot of vapers have been saying that vaping is a lot healthier than smoking, but is it actually?
The government and the scientific community pretty much agree that it is healthier, yes. So much so that the NHS even recommends vaping as an effective way to help people quit cigarettes!
If you’re struggling to quit and you’ve tried other methods, such as patches and gum, then it’s worth giving it a shot. You’ll potentially substantially reduce your risk of cancer and other smoking-related diseases, while still having something to do when you’re stressed or bored.
It smells better
Another benefit to vaping is that for most people, non-smokers included, it smells a lot better. A horrible side effect of smoking is that eventually, the majority of your clothes will start to take on an uncleanable smell of smoke. While not everyone enjoys the smell of all vape flavours, the smell definitely doesn’t linger as long, and won’t be as offputting to most people.
Now of course, vaping isn’t perfect. The long-term effects are relatively unknown, and it’s still a way of ingesting nicotine, which can be harmful to some people. As a result, it’s likely still healthier to not vape at all than it is to pick the habit up.
Still, compared to smoking tobacco, it seems that there are a substantial number of benefits. The cost and health factors alone mean that anyone who’s struggling to quit should seriously consider it as an option.
So, what’s the consensus? Vaping does seem to be a better alternative for most people compared to smoking. While it’s better for your health (and wallet) to not vape at all, some people aren’t quite ready to give up smoking without some kind of replacement. If you’re looking for a replacement, and don’t want to chew nicotine gum, then vaping could be the solution you’re looking for.
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