I asked y’all to help me come up with some summer hacks using toilet paper and toilet paper rolls, and oh man, did you deliver! I listed my favorites – and yours – in this post. This post is sponsored by Charmin, so let’s talk toilet paper for a minute before we get to the list.
Tis the season for BBQs, graduation parties (even for kindergarteners…), and family gatherings. Summer is here! With all of the delicious food, the inevitable is bound to happen: clogged toilets. However, Charmin Ultra Mega Roll has a clog-free guarantee that ensures your plumbing will run smoothly. Plus, the roll lasts way longer so you won’t run out of toilet paper when guests are over. “Hey, pass me some toilet paper!” isn’t something you want to have to yell out at your BBQ.
Charmin is Roto-Rooter approved and is used by more plumbers than any other brand. I guess if plumbers trust it, we can too, right? Right! Our new home is clog-free and we hope to keep it that way by only using Charmin.
23 Summer Hacks You Must Try
- Stuff empty toilet paper rolls with lint for quick fire starters.
- Decorate toilet paper rolls and use as bird feeders.
- Decorate and use as napkin rings.
- Decorate two toilet paper rolls and tape them together to use as toy binoculars.
- Cover toilet paper rolls with sticky tape (tape inside out) and hang it as a fly trap. Genius!
- Make toilet paper roll “bracelets” for the kids. Cut them into strips, tape them to make beads, then string them together.
- Dot a few essential oils inside the toilet paper tube before placing it on the roll to make your bathroom smell great.
- While traveling, use toilet paper rolls to thread necklaces through so they don’t tangle.
- At home, use them for keeping cords untangled!
- Use toilet paper rolls to organize your hair ties and ponytail holders.
- Get creative and use them as a garage for matchbox cars.
- Fill the roll with cat treats and fold them over. Cats love to play with them!
- Cut slits in the toilet paper rolls, stuff them with hay, fold the ends down – for your chinchilla.
- Put little toys in the toilet paper rolls, cover them with wrapping paper, and tie the ends. They make great goodie boxes for parties.
- Cut four slits into the bottom of the roll and create a base. Then put zucchini seedlings in the roll with some garden soil. Plant the whole thing in the garden. The toilet paper roll helps to keep the squash borers from destroying your plant.
- Cut eye holes in the rolls, insert glow sticks, and put them in the bushes at night. BOO!
- Make your own candles: melt hot wax, add crayon for color, place roll on waxed paper. Pour in wax, add wick hanging from a pencil and let it harden. Peel the roll off.
- Use it as a microphone. A friend said her son, who was a late talker, showed more interest in talking into a toilet paper roll. Winning!
- Cut a slit big enough for your phone to slip into. Put music on and put the speaker end into the tube. It amplifies the music, making it like a speaker!
- Curl your hair with toilet paper. What? Cosmo says it’s legit, yo.
- Use toilet paper as a nose tampon. Yeah, that was actually a suggestion. If your nose is bleeding, why not?
- While camping, put toilet paper in a coffee can to keep it dry.
- If the power goes out, use a small metal pot, toilet paper, and rubbing alcohol to make a heater. Not sure how this one works!
Charmin Ultra Mega Roll lasts longer than even the leading 1000 sheet brand, based on average usage. I can’t say a household of 5 ladies is average usage, but I can say I love how long Charmin Ultra Mega Roll lasts!
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