So you guys know that Rachel is the stay at home mom, and I work (by “work” I mean I blog and write posts like this one, for companies like Minute Maid!).
You also probably know that she left to visit her family back home for a week. There are a few things you might not know:
- In the 7 years we’ve been together, she’s never left – even overnight – for any reason.
- I’ve forgotten how to do pretty much everything around the house, because she cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids.
- School has been in session for a month and I have never gotten up with them in the morning. I know nothing about their morning routine.
- The girls and I were sure I’d screw pretty much everything up while Rach was gone.
- Rach was sure the house would be a wreck when she got home.
Day 1
I got this. I mean, I was a single mom for almost 7 years, so it’s not like it’s new to me. What was I worried about?
Expectations VS Reality: I thought I was going to get up with the kids, help them get ready, walk them to the bus stop, etc. However, I overslept and the kids didn’t wake me up until they were almost ready to walk out the door! They were sweet and let me sleep in, but it made my day start off all wonky because I felt like I totally skipped their morning. I walked them to the bus.
Bonus: They looked cute.
Day 2
I woke up with a killer migraine. Girls got ready on their own, again. I sent a text to the neighbor, asking her to walk the girls to the bus stop. I felt like a total failure.
Days 3-6
Expectations: Now I’m just showing off. The kids are all alive, I haven’t lost much hair, and the dogs have been fed – every day! Oh, and the kids have, too. I sent a picture of our breakfast to Rachel:
Fresh squeezed orange juice and delicious apple cinnamon crumble muffins. She was impressed with my mad skills.
Reality: The muffin was store-bought, and the OJ was fresh-squeezed, but not by me. Minute Maid®totally saved me this morning – and every other morning when it comes to breakfast! For some reason, it feels so much more “official” to sit down with a muffin on a plate, and pour some Minute Maid® to enjoy.
So, obviously, I didn’t send her this picture of Grace. She’s doing her homework at the last minute in the morning, because we totally forgot the night before – and of course chugging someMinute Maid®. Straight from the carton. Don’t judge.
Day 7
Rachel came home today. I can’t explain how thankful we all are to have her here. I practically kissed her feet when she landed in Phoenix, and I’m never letting her leave again.
This week taught us both a lot. It taught her that even though I don’t necessarily do things the way she does them, I can take care of the house and the kids and it’s good – well, good enough. The kids and I had a great week, there was minimal yelling (I swear!), and the house wasn’t completely trashed when she made it home. I’m not saying the laundry was completely caught up, and maybe the dishwasher was completely full of dirty dishes, but really… in the grand scheme of things I think I did okay.
Next time you’re feeling like you haven’t done everything perfectly, remember that you’re still doin’ good. Even if the laundry and dishes are piling up, you’re taking time for your kids – and that’s what matters! This week, the kids and I created many memories we’ll never forget.
Your turn! Tell me a story about a time you realized you were #doingood as a parent, or a time when you saw another parent #doingood.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Minute Maid®.
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