This is going to be short. If you don’t know the deets, I am signing up for a half-marathon (13.1 miles) and it’s less than 2 months away. I’ve never done anything more than a 5K (3.1 miles), so this is terrifying. And maybe stupid.
Day 2 was easier than Day 1. I just had to do 45 minutes of cross-training, so I did 20 minutes of the bike and 30 minutes of the elliptical, both at the gym. I really felt like taking a nap earlier, but instead I just walked to the gym.
Tomorrow is Day 3 and I have to do a 4 mile walk. I haven’t walked more than 3 miles before so it will be a challenge. I need to remember to stretch and wear comfortable socks.
Tuesday, I have to do 6 miles… now THAT scares me.
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