If you’re having a Frozen birthday party, or any party really, you can make your own pinata without spending a fortune! You can even use a helium balloon that costs $1 at Dollar Tree. Save money by purchasing candy and trinkets in bulk to fill the pinata with.
DIY Frozen Pinata
* 8 Purple Sheets Of Tissue Paper
* 8 Pink Sheets Of Tissue Paper
* 1 Cardboard Box with the dimensions that you would like (see note below)
* Clear Packing Tape
* Elmers Glue
* Character/theme plate or a helium balloon with the character on it (not blown up)
Note: You don’t want the height of the box over 7″ for a birthday party, It’s the perfect height. The width you will want to measure with the object you will be using as the focal point. You do not want a really thick box or a really thin box, other wise the kids won’t be able to break it or it will break right away and crush the candy when hit. A regular cardboard box without double layers will work well. (No shiny sides as the glue doesn’t stick as well)
First, cut 4 sheets of each colored tissue paper for your pinata. Unfold the 4 sheets, then take 2 sheets at a time, and cut them 1 1/2 to 2 inch strips. When you have cut all the strips, then cut half cuts into the strip to make the strips into the fringe like look for the pinata.
Next, figure out which way you would like your pinata to hang. Then, put two holes for your thick twine or yarn to hold the rope that you will use to pull the pinata so that the children can hit it. You will put two holes on each side and string it through and tie it so that it’s strong enough to support the rope. Once you have your twine or yarn in place then use the packing tape to close the flaps on your box.
Cut a slit into the side of the box. Make 2 more slits so that you have a part of the box that will lift up so you can stuff the candy inside. Just like is shown in the image above. Make the slits on the top of your box.
It will not matter if you are going to make a square or triangle pinata. You will still go through the same steps and just put the pinata the way you want it when your finished. You will do the front and back of your pinata first.
Now you’re going to take one of your strips, hold it up to the box and cut it where it will only over lap the sides a little bit; then cut it there. You will add Elmer’s glue to the strip where the flap is not at. Then apply it to your box at the tip of the corner as shown. Then continue to rotate the colors until you are 1/4 of the way down as shown.
Move to the next corner and repeat until you have all the corners complete. Use your plate or balloon as a guide to see how far down you would like to go down for your corners. Once your corners are complete, go to the open areas between your corners and again fill in the area rotating colors so that you cover all the areas. Leave the area where your balloon or plate will go empty for now.
Keep rotating the colors all the way to the bottom of the pinata. For the longer areas, you will need to use a strip and a 1/2 to 2 strips to cover the area using the same colors.
You will now work on the sides of your pinata. If you have over-lapped your strips on the side, they will be dry now. So you can lift them up a little and cut off the excess so that you can fill in the sides of the pinata and they will lay flat.
Start on the side where your slit is for the candy to go in the pinata. Start to rotate your strips on the side away from you. When you are to your flap, you will use smaller strips in front of the slit then cut strips that will cover the opening and give it room to move up and down. so before you glue your first one on. Hold it tight onto the opening and make sure it won’t break when your opening and closing your opening. If it does break then use a little longer piece. To save you time, use that piece as a template for the rest of your strips so you won’t have to measure each strip. Then, glue the strips with rotating colors.
Now finish the other sides of your pinata in the same way that you did the side with the slit. Your pinata is now complete with all your strips.
If you are using a helium balloon you will cut the balloon to use in the middle of your pinata and just use the top character part of it. If you are using a plate that matches your theme you won’t need to cut it at all. Add glue around the outer edge and center of the object you are using. Then put it into place and smooth it out.
If you have space around your balloon or plate that is showing your cardboard box then rotate strips to fill them in. Once this step is complete, take strips to cover the edges of your plate or balloon.
Now you’re ready for your party! Just fill with candy once it is completely dry, use the packing tape to close the slit and you’re ready for the kids to have a great time with their pinata!
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