CBD, or cannabidiol, has many benefits, including: reducing inflammation, relieving nausea, and yes, even helping with anxiety. I’ve had anxiety since I was a child. Not sure if it was related to my dad being an abusive drunk or not, but I remember feeling anxious from a very young age.
Best CBD Oil for Anxiety
I was put into therapy for anxiety when I was 12. By the time I was 14, they wanted to medicate me but I refused. I dropped out of school when I was 15 because of my anxiety and though I didn’t regret it (I went back to an alternative school and got my diploma), I do wish there were better ways for me to cope when I was that age.
Dutch CBD Oil does not have the THC that cannabis has. It has very (very) low amounts of THC, and is legal in all 50 states (though there is some debate on this).
Our 11 year old takes CBD oil daily (not for anxiety, but to prevent migraines and vertigo – it works!), so I feel confident speaking about the benefits. We haven’t found any drawbacks yet, except that the pure CBD (not the CBD with THC) seems to be an appetite suppressant (which isn’t a drawback at all, if you ask me). The CBD with THC makes her hungry. She has only had to take it a few times, in almost 3 months.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD Oil has high concentrates of CBD. There is also CBD oil with THC. This is what our daughter uses when she gets migraines, and it is only legal in states that have legalized marijuana. In those states, which includes Missouri, for example, you need to get a medical marijuana card online to be able to purchase CBD products with high concentrations of THC. The problem with THC is that it can cause anxiety, especially if you’re already an anxious person.
CBD does not interfere with psychological function, and is safe to ingest without side effects like you can get from THC. You will not get high from CBD.
I’ve done a lot of research on the topic but there’s always more to learn. Learn more about what CBD is and how it helps. A lot of the time, you’ll read articles where the writer is selling the CBD oil or trying to earn affiliate money from selling it to you. Keep that in mind and take most advice with a grain of salt if it’s pointing to one CBD oil being “the only one”. While I only recommend Charlotte’s Web, I’m sure there are many others out there that are great! We just have no need to try them because CW works and we are sticking with it as long as it works.
How to Use CBD Oil for Anxiety
I’m not a doctor, nor am I an expert in anything related to CBD oil for anxiety. I’m sharing our personal experience with CBD, so please do your own research before you start using and dosing CBD. We have tried different brands of CBD but the only one that has been effective is Charlotte’s Web.
This is a photo of the CBD oil from Charlotte’s Web. I’m not affiliated with Charlotte’s Web in any way, nor do I make a commission if you buy from them, our family truly loves Charlotte’s Web and stands by their product 110%.
When you first begin using CBD oil, start small. It’s not going to get you high, but you still want to start with just a few drops. For our daughter, Sapphire, we started with just 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening. As an adult, you could start with more (again, do your research). You keep it under your tongue for about 20 seconds, then swallow it. You can increase the dosage but make sure you take the same amount in the morning as you do in the evening. This was a tip given to us from one of the budtenders at the dispensary we went to.
By increasing the CBD dose gradually, you will be more likely to find the right combination that helps relieve your anxiety. You might also notice it helping with nausea or inflammation if you’re experiencing either of those symptoms.
You can also use CBD in a vape pen. It kicks in faster when you vape, and the doctor who gave us our medical cannabis cards even suggested vaping or inhaling of some sort for Sapphire, though we declined. So far, the drops have worked just fine.
In this CBD oil review, she starts off with 2 eye droppers full.
What else is CBD Good for?
CBD can help many conditions, but according to the research I’ve done and the budtenders I’ve spoken to, a ratio of 1:1 CBD:THC is best for conditions such as chronic pain and severe depression. CBD helps with menstrual cramps and, as I mentioned earlier, nausea. We use the chocolate mint kind, which our teenager hates the flavor of (though Sapphire is okay with), so we need to get the unflavored kind as well.
While CBD alone has been known to help with depression, it’s a tough funk to get out of so if it isn’t working, don’t get discouraged. If you’ve tried CBD with no luck, you might ask yourself if medical cannabis could help with your anxiety.
When our teenager gets anxious (yay for inheriting mom’s nerves!), we talk about ways to calm down when you’re anxious. I also use bullet journaling as a type of “therapy” to help with my anxiety.
Many swear CBD can help with seizures and even cancer, so don’t discount it completely if you haven’t tried it for whatever ails ya. I’m a huge supporter of CBD as well as medical use of cannabis, though at one point and time I didn’t support either!
Where to Get the Best CBD Oil
Not all CBD oils are created equal. We found that out the hard way, after spending $120 on a bottle of it that didn’t help at all. Charlotte’s Web is the best that we’ve found and we recommend trying it – for yourself, or even for your pets. We give our dog, Titus, dog treats with CBD for his joint pain. CBD oil can even help dogs with anxiety! It’s amazing how helpful it is.
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