To use the Weight Watchers calculator, you have to be a member of the Weight Watchers program. For the purposes of this post, I will assume you are NOT a member and need the use of a FREE Weight Watchers calculator.
I have found this calculator to be the most accurate and user friendly Weight Watchers points calculator that is free. I highly recommend you use it if you are looking for the Weight Watchers points of the foods you are eating.
This calculator is great because it works with both the new and old version of the Weight Watchers points system.
You will see when you click on the calculator, it has a new version at the top and an old version below it. So, it does not matter what version of Weight Watchers you are familiar with, this calculator has a application for you.
What are Weight Watchers Zero Points Foods?
For those of you that are just getting familar with Weight Watchers, I always like to give you a copy of my zero point foods list. These are the foods that you can eat, every single day, that according to Weight Watchers, do not count against your daily points allowance.
This means you can eat them as much as you like, and not gain weight!
I love that :)
One example of a zero point food, that can help you with your weight loss goal, is the banana. Bananas are easy to carry with you, they are filled with potassium and vitamins and they are very filling. I have a terriffic recipe of zero point pancakes made from bananas and they are amazing. If you like bananas, you really should try these pancakes.
My banana pancake recipe is so easy because they are made with just two ingredients; bananas and eggs. They take just a few minutes and are incredibly delicious. If you do want to add a little spice, you can feel free to add both vanilla and cinnamon – to your liking.
One way to use a banana to help you lose weight is to eat one at the end of the day, if you are hungry and don’t have any points left. They are filling, will take your mind off your hunger and are zero points to boot! So, they are a great fruit to keep in the house for such emergencies.
Another trick I like to use, if I am absolutely out of points, and I want to eat something that has points, is to take a brisk walk for 20 minutes or so. If you have a dog, they almost always like to be walked at a moments notice too. Doing this, allows us to earn a few Weight Watchers activity points.
Now, with your new activity points, you can eat that item you were craving. Pair it with a banana and get that tummy nice an feeling full and satisfied.
If on the other hand, you finish the day with unused points, according to Weight Watchers, you really do need to finish them. So, eat some vegetables, avocado, beans, rice, lettuce, tofu, yogurt, skinless chicken breast, applies, cheese, turkey breast, potatoes etc and finish those points!
Are Avocados a Zero Points Food?
One of the questions I get asked a lot about the Weight Watchers programs is about avocadoes. Because they are a fruit, are they zero points?
It used to be that avocados were points on Weight Watchers. However, now WW has said that avocados are so loaded with fiber and unsaturated fat that they are now, zero points.
This is exciting news for all us avocado lovers out there.
With that said, you will want to keep your avocado portion to just one serving because avocados do have a lot of fat calories. So, you can eat 1/4 of a medium size avocado and consider it to be a zero point food.
However, if you decided to eat 1/2 an avocado, you will want to calculate that second serving as 3 to 4 points, depending on the size of the avocado.
I hope that makes sense. For Zeropoint foods like avocados, I generally calculate the first serving as zero points. Any second serving is more like 3 points for a medium sized avocado.
Feel free to add 1/4 avocado to the top of you favorite soup, sandwich, etc. And add more as long as you calculate those points here.
And, if you love avocados, and chocolate, and you arent’ afraid to try something really new and unique, you simply must try my healthy avocado chocolate fruit dip recipe.
Why are Grams of Fiber Important?
One thing I’ve noticed with Weight Watchers is you really do want to pay attention to the fiber content of the foods you are eating. Why? Because you will quickly learn that higher fiber foods calculate into lower point foods.
You will see this when you use the point calculators. Foods with increased fiber, usually equates to lower points on the Weight Watchers plan. This is good to know when you are choosing what foods to eat and so very helpful in finding lower point foods.
As an example, oranges are zero points. However, you need to eat the entire fruit, because you need to get the fiber from the orange. If you just squeeze and drink the orange juice, you get all of the sugar, without the benefit of the fiber grams. So, orange juice is not a zero points food.
You need that fiber!
Apples are loaded with fiber and are very filling. If you want a zero point food that will really fill you up – load up on apple slices throughout the day.
Another great example of a low-fat, zero point food option, is a tomato. But to count as zero points, you again need to eat a plain tomato. If you are are eating tomato paste or tomato sauce, there will be WW points, so you will definitely need to check them on the calculator.
Make yourself a delicous chicken salad and serve it over fresh lettuce and tomato slices – it will be delicious!
Can I Eat Carbs on Weight Watchers?
Yes, you can eat carbohydrates on Weight Watchers. You will want to add the carbohydrate grams, as well as the grams of fat, into the points calculator to get the latest points and the actual points of whatever it is you are consuming.
As I mentioned previously, you will find that carbohydrates with whole grains, that are higher in fiber, will count as lower points on the Weight Watchers points calculator.
Do keep in mind that different lifestyles, eating habits and your dedication to the program can and will change the outcome of how Weight Watchers will benfit you. For example, if you go to the gym several times a week, the program will most likely help you faster.
However, if you have physically demanding lifestyle, and no time to exercise, and just work the program, you will likely attain your weight goals, it just might take a bit longer. Remember, whatever pace you set, if it’s right for you, it is the right pace.
Be kind to yourself – always. Don’t compare yourself to anybody else and take things one day at a time. If you mess up, forgive yourself. It is something we all do. I need a Big Mac every once in a while – I just do.
So, pick yourself up. Brush yourself off and get back on plan. That’s all there is to it.
Does Pork Have Points?
In case you are a pork lover, I get it.
I love bacon, ham and sausage like no other. While pork meats are considered lean proteins, unlike skinless chicken breast, pork does have points. You will want to use the smart points calculator below and figure out just how many points per serving the items is according to the nutritional facts label.
Is Pork Okay on Weight Watchers?
Yes, if you like pork, you can eat it on Weight Watchers. Just make sure you are using the calculator, managing your portion sizes and counting those points against your daily allotment.
Be sure to load up on healthy, low-fat, high fiber foods like the ones we have mentioned in this post. Also, be sure to avoid high sugar, empty calorie foods and drinks such as Coca-Cola Classic where a 20 oz bottle takes up 7 of your daily points – without the benefit of any nutritional value.
Remember too, that although diet coke is considered zero points, it is still not a healthy option for your weight loss journey. While its better than Coca-Cola Classic, in terms of points, there is still no nutional value or benefits.
You really should be drinking lots of water. If you hate plain water, flavor it up so you can tolerate it. But do drink lots and lots of water. Here is my resource on how to drink more water so your body stays hydrated.
Bottom line, although many soda brands vary in terms of their specific formulas, calorie content, etc., none of them are considered healthy or beneficial for your weight loss journey. The same can be said for alcohol.
Can I Drink Alcohol on Weight Watchers?
The beauty of Weight Watchers is that you can eat and drink anything you like. As long as you know the points value and are sure to stay within your daily allotment.
So can you drink alcohol? Yes, however, things like beer, wine and spirits provide no nutriional value and can quickly add up in points. So, as with anything else, you will want to enjoy alcohol with moderation – and count those points.
Do Points Change For Men Or Women?
If you join Weight Watchers, they will allot you a certain number of points to eat each day and each week – according to factors such as your age, gender, starting weight, etc. You will want to defer directly to the Weight Watchers program to determine your specific points.
Whats Are The Blue, Red & Purple WW Plans?
One thing participants of the Weight Watchers program quicky learn is the flexibility of the Weight Watchers ever evolving points system. For example, every two years (around the time of December), Weight Watchers will roll out changes to the existing plan. The parameters of the changes are not set in stone. They will vary as Weight Watchers determines the values of foods, their fat grams, points values, etc.
At one point (no pun), the system relied on color coded plans. For example, there was a blue plan, a green plan, and even a purple plan. The multi color systems have now been concluded and are Weight Watchers no longer uses them.
Tips For Weight Watchers Success
- Keep a journal to track your weekly points on a daily basis
- Order healthy seafood like catfish or shrimp instead of a beef cheeseburger or pizza slice.
- Order caesar salad with dressing on the side.
- Check the food values, nutrients and protein grams of foods before eating them.
- Eat healthy snacks like a peach, a mango or pear – which are all zero points.
- Eat healthy fats and butter in moderation.
Please click below for a free and easy to use Weight Watchers Smart Points Calculator.