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Easy Free DIY Lightbox

Author: Laurie Bennett


  • 3 large pieces foam board
  • scissors
  • colorful duct tape / clear tape


  • I took three large pieces of foam board and cut them in half. In true Slap Dash Mom fashion, I used colorful duct tape to put them together.
  • If you can see where the edges of the lightbox meet and you're going for a seamless look you could add some fabric or even paper. Get fancy and use some scrapbook paper or cardstock, or some fun fabric, to create a festive background!


Tips: I have a lightscoop on my camera, so the flash isn't as harsh and bounces off the lightbox walls. This works perfectly for me. However, even with a regular flash it looks fine. If yours don't look GREAT, then try something else! With my last lightbox, I used a sheet over the top and set it on the stove (that was the best lighting I could find) and took photos there.